Other International Subscriptions

Welcome to RiskAssess!

We now have schools around the world subscribing to our software, especially International Schools. Many Australian teachers have gone teaching overseas and have introduced RiskAssess to schools in other countries. Our use of ECHA data and compliance with the GHS are especially appropriate for International Schools.

The current annual cost of a subscription to RiskAssess is USD $350.00 and no local tax is applicable. Your school can pay by credit card or international electronic transfer of funds to our Australian bank account. We will arrange access for you at our Australian website (riskassess.com.au), unless you are in the US, in which case our Canadian site (riskassess.ca) is more appropriate, due to the arrangement of the school year.

If you would like to subscribe please contact: info@riskassess.com.au

Please include in your email:

and we will set up a subscription for you and send you a custom tax invoice.

We are happy to answer any questions that you might have and we will help you get going with RiskAssess.